It is now emerging that Raila's fiercest critic and serious competition Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta has been funding Miguna Miguna a former adviser to the Prime Minister Raila Odinga to tarnish his name and throw cold water to his campaign.
Sources close to Miguna but critical of his near suicidal move to tarnish Raila's name have revealed that the two, Miguna and Uhuru have been working together for some time now since the former adviser to the PM on coalition and constitutional matters was sacked, though the latter has been using his aides to operate.
Miguna is reported to have received millions of shillings to help facilitate the publishing of the book and launch it in Kenya when it emerged that Miguna was considering publishing and launching the book in America (Mr. Corsi, an Obama critic) which in turn would have limited effects on the Kenyan scenario.
He is said to be assured of the funding, the necessary media publicity through K24, and protection if it came to that. A deal Miguna Miguna is said to have taken without blinking.
Miguna has appeared on the K24bench several times
Miguna Miguna got unrivaled attention in the media, particularly Jeff koinange's the bench, when the saga started and has continued receiving the same attention during this time of the launch of his book. In fact, it can be argued that it is the only media company that has carried Miguna's story with serious intensity.
Capital Talk, a program associated with veteran journalist Jeff Koinange has recently come under scrutiny with Jeff accused of asking Miguna leading questions as if the whole interview has already been premeditated and making sure that the whole discussion centers around the personality of Raila Odinga.
Tony Gachoka, a former Odinga sycophant but now Uhuru's adviser, is also said to frequent
The Bench.
Media Max media company which owns K24 and the People newspaper is owned by Uhuru Kenyatta.
Miguna who launched his book "Peeling back the mask"
A quest for justice in Kenya at the hotel Intercontinental in Nairobi yesterday 14-7-2012 has successfully managed to draw attention from the media for the past one week with various newspapers reviewing his book.
The recent claim by Miguna that he has enough dossier to take Odinga to the Hague is an attempt by Miguna to complete what Uhuru started at the Hague but was not able to do successfully, i.e, introducing Raila Odinga's name at the Hague.
Bitter Miguna
An evidently bitter Miguna who seemed to have trouble controlling his temper as he addressed those that came to the launch had to be restrained by some of the launch officials as he looked to be ready to even cross the line in his speech.
Sources tell jamtaa that Mr. Miguna has received numerous criticism and even insults from Raila's supporters over the past week especially on the internet and social media some touching on his personality and family life which has reportedly made him more angry.
It remains to be seen what the PM's reaction to this will be and if he will come out of this latest political hurdle.
"siasa za peni mbili"