Tuesday, April 03, 2012

David Makali works for Raila

Believe it or not renowned journalist and "political analyst"-that's what they call them these days, David Makali who appears mostly on citizen Tv and writes opinion in the Star works for prime minister Raila Odinga.

Just last week veteran writer and columnist Barrack Muluka endorsed Raila for president and took a job at the Raila Odinga secretariat as the commmunications man.

His article last week about why he had "crossed over the fence" explaining why Odinga was the better evil.. blah blah blah (which sounded sycophantic by the way) was just a clear indication that these so called political analysts are guns for hire to sway opinion.

Back to Makali now. though he has not stated it, i have reasons to believe, and they are very tangible reasons, that he works for Raila behind the curtains.

I wonder if Citizen TV know this, and if they do, then it is part of the bigger scheme, but if they don't... no they really must know.. that means they are also part of the whole scheme.

I have nothing against Makali, in fact i like him a lot because he is actually one of the serious Kenyans left of course plus other less serious ones like Mutahi Ngunyi.. But my point is, if Makali knows he supports Raila, or hates Ruto and Uhuru for that matter (which might be the case) then he should take up a job at his secretariat or something or stop duping Kenyans with biased opinion.

I remember when lawyer Paul Mwangi was appointed Raila's legal adviser, he left the "analysis" desk at citizen immediately.

Another theory can be Makali wants a job at Raila's so he is strategically positioning himself for it since Raila is now tapping some of the best brains we have left in communication...

Makali, i am yet to hear you say anything negative about Raila (i know he has a few madoadoas)

"siasa za peni mbili"

Why Gema and Kamatusa now?

These recent developments in the G7 alliance that have seen Uhuru Kenyatta meet with the Gema leaders to seek their support and Ruto meeting today with Kamatusa to endorse him are not coming as a surprise to many Kenyans.

This is not a surprise because it was clear from the start that it was Uhuru's central + Ruto's Rift Valley Verses Raila's Luos. the others are just but spectators in the whole equation.

It is not also a surprise because it clearly shows that these two have their own interests at heart; that is, being the presidential candidate for the G7.

Without the mantle, they are likely not to get the full support of their communities because of the vast pressure from their respective tribes that they must be the one.

It is no secret that after the 2007 general election that Kenyan politicians don't trust each other and never will in a long time to come. Uhuru and Ruto are no exception.

If you remember Martha Karua and how she fiercely defended Kibaki's regime during the crising and how she is now the one plotting how to bring it down, then you will understand what am talking about.

These two- Uhuru and Ruto are slowly pushing each other to the wall and it will be very interesting to see how they hold up.

"siasa za peni mbili"