Monday, September 03, 2012

Miguna “refuses to be pushed around” by Gidi and Ghost.

There was drama Monday morning (3rd Sept 2012) when popular radio hosts Gidi and Ghost hosted former PM’s advisor Miguna Miguna. In a sensational radio interview with local radio station Radio Jambo, Miguna also stood by his outrageous attacks on the PM’s character.

The first part of the interview went well with Miguna talking about himself, his time at the PM’s office etc.
Miguna says that he worked at the Office of the Prime Minister therefore it is the only place he had witnessed corruption and therefore those that say he should also talk about Kibaki are misled because his disappointment is in Raila, not Kibaki because he did not trust Kibaki in 2007 and did not support him.

The former advisor to the PM says that his book is just a way of showing disappointment in Raila but it was nothing new because even Raila did the same thing after falling out with Kibaki and Moi. That he went round the country saying he had fallen out with them.

He further says that he is better than Raila because Raila has never written a book. That the book he claims to have written was written by a Nigerian. (Raila Odinga, An Enigma in Kenyan politics)

Miguna also claims that Kenyans are not ready for change. And that the country cannot be run through ignorance. 

“People in the OPM steal and the PM is quiet about it, so he is also a thief.” Miguna stated. “He is either stealing with them or approving the theft.”

He also says that Raila goes to magicians but he wont deny because Miguna knows their names.

He clarified that he was never fired. And that he was suspended and the suspension later lifted by the courts.
He warned the people that are criticizing him that they should read the book first. “People should read the book before firing off.”

Drama however unfolded when calls from listeners and messages started to stream in. callers from all over the country called but almost all who called were critical of Miguna, which got him mad. One listener even advised him to “style up”. Other messages read “why are you guys (Radio Jambo) wasting our time by bringing comedians to the studio?”

When his turn to answer the questions reached, Miguna took on the listeners one by one trying not to go personal but after a while, he lost it and did not want to stop answering the questions despite persuasion from Gidi, the show host.

“I am not a person you can push around like that.”The quite difficult guest categorically stated. He then refused to be interrupted by Gidi and Ghost. 

 The show was forced to take frequent breaks as the hosts tried to calm the increasingly irritated Miguna Miguna.

Miguna also concluded by stating that nobody should ask him about whether he has or doesn’t have the post election violence evidence in his possession and that he know what to do with it if he has it and that does include sharing it with the media.

He also accused the Kenyan Media of unfair coverage. He cited successful rallies at Kericho and Murang’a and Nyeri which were not covered but the media had covered the famous Mombasa “Destroyer 05” incident with a lot of attention.

“siasa za peni mbili”

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